Thai Girls Video

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click for the latest vid

Plus Hot Chick Pic Of The Day

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click for the latest vid

Well Toby must have run out of vodka and viagra because we have another Mad YouTube Video!  Please visit my  YOU TUBE CHANNEL to view the video, or simply click on the photo. Toby has worked hard to upgrade  the YouTube Channel and it looks amazing.

Please also check the Twitter Page as that has been revamped as well, and we are getting more and more followers there and on facebook everyday so please keep visiting us.

For all you Linkin Park fans they due to  play at Impact Arena Muang Thong Thani on the 23rd of next month.  Tickets are priced from 1,000 to 3,000 baht and can be booked from Total Ticketing. Should be a good gig. Would love to go myself.

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