Annual Thai Police Reshuffle Results In Early Closing
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Well, it’s that time of year again. The annual reshuffle of the Thai Police is in full swing. Be warned that 2:00 AM closing is currently enforced in the vast majority of Bangkok’s beer bars, go-go bars and nightclubs. Although it disrupts the Bangkok nightlife scene, it usually does not last much more than about a week.
With a new government recently elected, there will probably be a bit more flexing of muscles to show their power. Plus the Thai political scene is rather messy at the moment. But, as soon as the pecking order is established, the enforced closing times and police checks will ease off. Don’t panick, we see this every year. Let’s all hope it is soon back to normal.

Warning! Price Hike In Several Soi Cowboy Go-Go Bars
Fairly recently several Soi Cowboy go-go bars hiked their drink prices up. Standard beers and spirits are now more expensive at 180 baht per drink. Furthermore, a tequila lady drink for a coyote dancer, is a real stinger at 200 baht. Another problem with coyote dancers is that you cannot bar fine them. They are off the Thai takeaway menu, which is a shame, because they are usually the most attractive Thai girls in the bar. The most expensive go-go bars in Soi Cowboy are – Deja Vu, Kiss, Sahara, Spice Girls, Midnite and Rio.You cannot say that I did not warn you!
Soi Cowboy Go-Go Bar Reviews
Today I have updated the Soi Cowboy Review Page