Celebrating Songkran – Thai New Year

AFTER DARK ASIA MAGAZINESawatdee Pee Mai Kap!  Or in English, Happy Thai New Year!  For those of you who are in Thailand, I sincerely hope that you are having a happy and a safe Songkran.  I say “safe” because every year hundreds of deaths and thousands of injuries are reported.  WATER WARFARE WARNING — Ensure that you are extra careful on the roads during the Songkran water festival.  Most of Thailand celebrate Songkran from April 13th — 15th, but in Pattaya it started yesterday and it will continue until next weekend.  I thought that I had better post this as a reminder.  So guys, be aware that the Pattaya “water war” will last until April 20th.  This year a lot of bargirls have gone home, leaving most go-go bars with fewer go-go dancers.  Even though it is Thai New Year, the closing times in Bangkok remain between 1:00am and 2:00am.  Down in Pattaya most of the go-go bars, pubs and clubs are closing late again.  Good news for the Pattaya party animals.  Party on!  The Thai authorities announced that LARGE water cannons would be outlawed.  However, although the supermarkets listened, there are plenty of big water guns for sale on the street.  You can put that down to the idiosyncrasy of “Amazing Thailand” I guess. I dared to venture out onto the streets of Bangkok this afternoon.  And, as per usual, it’s wild ‘n’ crazy out there folks!  When that ice water hits you and you get cologne powder in your eyes; now that’s a killer!



To show respect to the staff in Angelwitch Go-Go Bar, the management have decided to close Angelwitch on April 15th.  It will just be for the one night to allow the Thai staff to enjoy Songkran.  Please note that Angelwitch in Nana Plaza will be closed tomorrow, but Angelwitch in Pattaya will be open.    


BUDDHIST TEMPLES BANGKOKThe traditional Songkran water festival is a very elegant ceremony, which originated from ancient Siam.  The official Thai New Year is celebrated from April 13th – 15th.  Orchid flowers were placed into silver bowls containing special scented water.  Younger members of Thai families would gently sprinkle the Songkran water over their elder relative’s hands.  This special water was also gently poured onto the shoulder of an elder.  Your own body had to be thoroughly cleaned, along with your house.  You could call it “religious spring cleaning.”  Songkran in Thailand is not just a tradition of external cleansing, but also personal cleansing of the mind and spirit.  Buddha images are thoroughly washed and sprinkled with special scented water.  Flower garlands are hung around the necks of the Buddha images.  This is then followed by respectful prayers.  Throughout Thailand’s multitude of “wats” (Thai temples), you can here the humming tones of Thai people reciting Pali.  (Pali is the ancient scripture of Theravada Buddhism).


I have been informed that the newest edition of After Dark Asia magazine will be on sale just after Songkran.  Look out for After Dark Asia volume 6 on the newsstands throughout Bangkok and Pattaya.  After Dark Asia has established itself as Thailand’s top go-go girly magazine.  The photography is excellent.  A copy of After Dark Asia will set you back 150 Baht.  Check out the HOT go-go girls!