Daves Raves – Website Update

You may have already noticed a few changes to the Home Page. My webmaster Toby has made the text easier on the eyes for you. Furthermore, at the top of each page ‘Home’ will allow you to click the link below and return to the Home Page. Below that is a ‘Donate’ button, because many have asked to buy me a beer, so here is your chance. Cheers!  

(1) Text Size – The text was too big, but it has been resized.

(2) Bold Text – It is no longer shouting in LARGE BOLD TEXT!

(3) Home – At the top corner you can return to the Home Page.

(4) Text Colour – A subtle orange replaces that sickly green colour.

(5) Donate Button – If you want to buy me a beer now you can.

(6) Home Page Resized – The Home Page now loads faster for you.

As always, I appreciate your loyal support. Thanks!