Mandarin Club in Nana Plaza for more than 20 years has been known as the place to find gorgeous young ladies. Proof positive is this maiden.
Digital-a-Go-Go was back at Mandarin on Wednesday – the only authorized photographer in the Plaza – and he had nine nifty Mandarin mistresses queuing up for DGO’s patented beauty treatment.
This week closeups were the order of the day, with the Digital-a-Go-Go lens getting up close and personal with the ladies. The headshots – not the usual type of go-go photo you see – really show of the beautiful features of these young ladies, particularly this lovely lady.
You can find her on the middle floor of Nana Plaza from 7:30 p.m. nightly.
Dolly of the Day photos are shot by Digital-a-Go-Go, Bangkok’s No. 1 photography and marketing agency for the nightlife industry. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
And, remember, you can get photos of Dave’s Dolly of the Day on Instagram. Just follow the image stream here.