Fire Outside Nana Plaza causes no damage or injuries.
A small garbage fire outside Nana Plaza throws smoke into the air in the early minutes of Jan. 22, 2025.

A garbage fire outside Nana Plaza caused no injuries or damage, but left business chaos to clean up in its wake.

Bangkok emergency services were notified about 12:30 a.m. Wednesday about smoke and a fire outside Nana Plaza, specifically in an alley behind the Sukhumvit Soi 4 entertainment complex. A plume of grey smoke could be seen above the plaza, but not from inside due Nana’s roof.

Firefighters in full gear and hoses streamed into the Plaza and ordered an evacuation, with Nana’s emergency lights and fire alarm alerting everyone. Bar managers jumped into action with the fire outside Nana Plaza, orchestrating the very orderly egress of guests and staff with no reports of any injuries.

Fire crews also woke guests at the neighboring Majestic Suites and even the Nana Hotel across Sukhumvit Soi 4. By 1 a.m., Soi 4 was a sea of dazed-looking bargirls, curious hotel guests and wannabe influencers butting in everywhere with cellphone cameras.

The fire outside Nana Plaza, as it turned out, was very small and confined to a pile of garbage dumped in the narrow, shabby alley between the hulking plaza and the nearby businesses. There was no damage to even the exterior wall of Nana Plaza, let alone inside, and flames were extinguished before 1 a.m.

Fire department officials said the fire outside Nana Plaza likely started from a cigarette butt tossed from a balcony at the Majestic Suites hotel. The blaze remains under investigation, but a crackdown and cleanup of the alleys abutting Nana are certain to come today.

Fire Outside Nana Plaza Causes Business Chaos

While the fire itself caused no damage, the incident left Nana businesses facing chaos Wednesday. One bar manager, who was fielding messages as late as 4 a.m., said the immediate evacuation meant no one clocked out, no daily wages were paid and there was no opportunity for dancers to turn in their lady-drink chits worth 60-100 baht each.

Bargirls are not known for their financial acumen and the result was that more than a few girls found themselves on Soi 4 after midnight with not a single baht in their purse to get home.

Sorting out the financial mess will be the first order of business Wednesday night but, after that, it will be party time as usual at The World’s Largest Adult Playground.