New Year Update 2020
Here is my New Year Speech but I have to tell you in advance, it is rather different from when Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II addresses her following. Nevertheless, feel free to make yourself comfortable…ย
This New Year 2020 has started well for me. Several people have contacted me regarding Photo Shoots and I can now see bright neon lights, at the end of an ominous dark tunnel. Let me explain it to you…
The past few years have been extremely challenging for me. Due to diabetes (inherited from my dear mother), I had to have three toes amputated from my left foot. In fact, I was lucky not to lose my left leg, according to the Diabetes Specialists at Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital in Bangkok. Looking at the positive side, these Thai doctors saved my leg. The good thing is whenever I go for a Thai foot massage I get a discount. Unashamedly, I have used my chop shop sob story to acquire hugs and kisses from some lovely dolly birds. Yes, I know I am a bad boy!
After having the chop so to speak, my mother passed away following a long battle with heart disease, diabetes and dementia. How she lived into her 80s I will never know, she had more lives than a cat! Due to a long waiting list, we had to have mumโs funeral just before Christmas. In addition to the pain and sorrow of losing my mother, the timing was awful.
Just when I thought things were getting better, my beloved Pedigree Labrador ‘Roy’ died during the Christmas holidays in 2018.ย As my dear sister Jane said, “Bless his heart Roy hung on until just after Christmas for you.” Roy loved Ann and me very much; he was a very gentle and loyal dog. My Roy never even growled at me, he was a wonderful companion. ย I named him Roy after my father who was a perfect gentleman and a very loving father. They were so similar both gentle and loving. Incidentally, my dearest Roy’s, both daddy and doggy passed away from cancer. I find this a remarkable but obviously tragic coincidence. Talking about dogs, if you are looking for a suitable family dog, then look no further than a Labrador.ย
If you are not aware, I was the longest-serving go-go bar manager in Bangkok, completing over 18 years. This included Pretty Girl, Hollywood Carousel, Hollywood Strip, Angelwitch, Spellbound, Black Pagoda and The Strip in Patpong. In addition, it was me that opened Billboard in Nana Plaza for the Nana Group. As far as I know, I’m the only go-go bar boss with his own blog. As Sanook Sean says, “You were an exceptional gladiator in both the martial arts ring and the go-go arena. Most guys are just spectators.” That was a fantastic compliment from a self-made millionaire.ย ย
To a large degree, diabetes forced me to retire from running go-go bars, but I also stopped for personal reasons. Diabetes is a horrible disease and I call it the silent assassin. This nasty bastard will sneak up on you and before you know it, you are deep in the stinky stuff! To be on the safe side make sure you check with your doctor. At least get your heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar checked. If you can have an annual medical examination to make sure that everything is functioning as it should. ย ย ย
You deserve an explanation as to why my publishing has been rather erratic for the past couple of years. Hey, now you know! Thanks for your loyalty, especially those who have known me for many years. Some guys have known me since I first arrived in Thailand in 1988 as a Muay Thai fighter.
Regarding my website, I do not know where my sudden motivation and inspiration for better blogging has come from but I like it. I sincerely hope you do as well. To finish on this positive note, I intend to publish frequently and with much more in-depth Thailand nightlife reports. Just like a golden eagle, I am soaring high in the sky and keeping my eyes on the world.
Daves Ravesย โ My publishing schedule is Sundays, Tuesdays & Thursdays.ย
Dave The Raveย is a uniqueย Thailand Nightlife Guruย with vast professional experience in Bangkok nightlife since 1999. Dave is still closely connected to Thailandโs nightlife and his blog remains popular worldwide.ย
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