Thai Titbits – A Titter on Twitter

Dave The Rave joins the popular www.twitter.comΒ and I have definitely caused a titter on twitter! After only 2 days I’ve done some damage – loads of posts and a load of followers.Β Actually, I think it is fun. Baron Bonk recommended that I join and I am enjoying Twitter. However,Β I don’t know if I can keep up the frenetic pace. Only time will tell.

I try to concentrate on my own website (WordPress blog), so I don’t join Facebook, MySpace, etc., etc… However, I would recommend giving Twitter a try. I hope to see you Twittering on Twitter soon. Don’t be shy give it a try! Join www.twitter.comΒ and become one of my followers. On Twitter I feature fresh Thailand nightlife news daily.

PATTAYA NIGHTLIFE NEWS – Coyotees Go-Go Bar is set to reopen tonight (May 19th), with a new Thai team of key staff.

Thanks for visiting!