Thailand Tourism Turmoil

After Dark Asia Magazine ThailandThe forthcoming Elections in Thailand have created some a lot of confusion to say the very least.ย  In fact, it has been something of a communication catastrophe!ย  Furthermore, the bars in the top tourist areas have been ordered to close.ย  Phuket, Chiang Mai and even Pattaya received strict orders from the Royal Thai Police to close.ย  The closure dates are December 14th, 15th and 16th with no compromise.ย  Ridiculously, beer bars were told in Pattaya that they could open, but with NO LIGHTS – NO MUSIC – NO ALCOHOL.ย  I think they call that rubbing salt into the wounds!

I feel very sorry for the tourist areas, because this is nothing short of a tourism disaster for them.ย  The lost revenue will certainly add up, not to mention the damaged reputation.ย  But, amid this idiosyncratic land, I just see it as another facet to what creates โ€œAmazing Thailand.โ€

San Mig Lite Beer In ThailandHere in the City Of Angels, the go-go bars and beer bars in Bangkok are allowed to open.ย  There is a strict โ€œNO ALCOHOLโ€ policy in place, but few of the boys in brown were even bothered to check around Patpong, Soi Cowboy and Nana Plaza last night.ย  Some bars in Bangkok have decided not to open.ย  For smaller bars this is probably wise, as no money can be effectively made.ย  Most places are not daring to take any chances, because the authorities are making harsh threats to the bars.ย  Not much booze available, but babes are still available!ย 

Emerging from the bamboo bugle are a few watering holes that are discretely flogging booze.ย  Ask around and you might just get lucky.ย  A well-known go-go bar in Patpong is a hot spot for what I have just mentioned.ย  Nudge, nudge, wink, wink!ย  As always guys, happy hunting…

Kind Regards,

Dave The Rave (Go-Go Guru).