The Best of Dave the Rave is yet to come.

this is how christmas should look!

I apologise for the lack of posting recently but I have been held up in hospital with some health ‘issues’.

The doctor keeps telling me I have got to exercise more.  “Exercise,, ex…ar..cise” he says,  but all I hear is “eggs are sides”…for BACON!”

The good news is I should be back on my feet again by crimbo – just in time for a nice Turkey dinner.

this is how christmas should look!
lets face it this is how Christmas should look


Talk of the town around bar owners this month I hear has been how quiet it is this first half of December, however I do remind people that there is always a lull in early December and you can’t write December off until the fat lady sings at the end of the month.

I am predicting a very busy New Year in Nana especially with the opening of new venues  such as the Equality Nightclub, which I have heard has an open bar every Thursday night!? Readers please confirm..

Looking forward to seeing everyone around Nana Plaza as soon as I am on my feet again.