Party In Madrid Bar Tonight


Madrid Bar in Patpong will celebrate surviving 38 years.  Madrid Bar’s 38th birthday bash features 38 Baht drinks from 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM.  There will be FREE FOOD from 6:00 PM.  Swing by if you are in the Silom area tonight.  Congratulations to Madrid Bar!

*Madrid Bar Party news was from Bangkok Bad Boy.*


Due to a change in plans, Jameson’s will open some time next week.  Jameson’s is located in the Holiday Inn in Silom.  It will be the largest Irish pub in Bangkok.  The general manager is the amiable Aussie John Bell.  John has extensive experience as one of Bangkok’s top bar managers.  The only question a few savvy expats have mentioned is whether they have selected a good location or not?  Time will tell, but I wish John and his team the very best of luck.

*Jameson’s will NOT open until some time next week.*

So guys, there you have it.  A double date with two Madrid Bar in Patpong tonight.  I am pleased to say that the Bangkok nightlife scene is far from dead and buried.


Can’t make it to the Madrid Bar Party?  OK, here is an interesting analysis called the Bangkok Columnist Gods. Bangkok Dan explores a comparison between Bangkok’s most popular internet columnists.  The article features Bernard Trink (Nite Owl) and the enigmatic Stickman, plus other contenders for the title. 

Click on this link –