When it rains in Bangkok, go-go girls don’t show up on time. That certainly was true for this lady.
Digital-a-Go-Go was at Suzie Wong Thursday for the latest photoshoot at the Soi Cowboy bar. It was obvious at 4 p.m. that things would not start on time at 6:30. As I noted in this story, rainy season has arrived in force and storms hit Bangkok just as go-go girls normally are getting out of bed and taking their motorcycles to work.
Sure enough, it was about 7:15 before the first photos were taken. Technically, the bar was open. But with rain still drizzling down, there were no customers in Suzie Wong or obvious anywhere else on Soi Cowboy. Only about six ladies were in the house as well.
This lovely lady, who has posed for Digital-a-Go-Go before, arrived closer to 8 p.m. She’s roommates with another lady I’ve featured before and both of them love to pose, as they rightly love the results and ask for unmarked photos they can keep and share on their own socials.
Dolly of the Day photos are shot by Digital-a-Go-Go, Bangkok’s No. 1 photography and marketing agency for the nightlife industry. Follow them on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.
And, remember, you can get photos of Dave’s Dolly of the Day on Instagram. Just follow the image stream here.