Swedish Tourist Attacked, Robbed Defending Sexy Karaoke Bar Waitress in Chiang Mai

Swedish Tourist Attacked at Chiang Mai Karaoke bar
The Swedish tourist attacked and his neck injury,

A Swedish tourist attacked and robbed by a gang of young men in a Chiang Mai karaoke bar in Chiang Mai said he was defending a waitress.

The Swedish tourist attacked, who is of Thai heritage, had attempted to stop the group from assaulting the waitress when they turned on him, stealing his gold necklace and throwing him into a nearby canal.

Police in Chiang Mai have since arrested three Burmese suspects, identified Sa Ong, 22, Daeng, 25, Angkham, 25, who are of Tai Yai ethnicity from Shan State in Myanmar. They were found at a construction workers’ camp in Doi Saket District and taken into custody at the Sam Kamphaeng Police Station on suspicion of assault.

The suspects admitted they were responsible for the Swedish tourist attacked, but denied stealing his necklace, claiming that their actions towards the waitress were just a joke.

However, the daughter of the Swede’s Thai girlfriend posted photos of his injuries on Facebook, and an account of the attack.

Swedish Tourist Attacked After Party

The Thai woman said that after a birthday party at home, she, her mother and the mother’s Swedish boyfriend went to the karaoke bar. He saw the Burmese men harassing the waitress and trying to pull her into the restroom. He jumped in to help and, as he was making his way back to the table, the men followed and attacked him.

All of the birthday group got injured and she said the Burmese men grabbed the two-baht-weight gold necklace from around the Swede’s neck. “They mobbed him and pulled his necklace until it strangled him. They stole the necklace before throwing him into the canal behind the bar,” she wrote.

The woman also said one of the attacker’s bit the Swede’s finger nearly clear off. The attackers fled on a motorbike.

The incident has left the victim in a state of shock and he believes that it will be his last visit to Thailand.