Daves Raves, Weird Weather, Osama Bin Laden And Foreign Exchange Rates In Thailand.
Daves Raves – From Irregular To Regular
Several friends and followers of my website, have verbally demonstrated their frustration about the inconsistent posts on my website. To some degree, I think I am accountable for irregular behaviour, and I’m not talking about what I get up to in Bangkok’s go-go bars! I will try to post more regularly, with blog posts almost every day. Hold tight riders, here we go. Woohoo!
Photo Acknowledgement & Copyright
The photo above shows a deserted Soi Cowboy due to heavy rainfall. Photo acknowledgement and copyright belongs to Stickman Bangkok.
Weird Weather
The crazy climate in Asia has been weird to say the least lately. Bangkok has suffered an extremely changeable climate. As a thoughtful Thai girl said to me, ‘In Thailand we usually have three seasons every year, but sometimes we have all three seasons in one day.’ I confirm that this is correct, as I’m confused from being either soaked with sweat, or soaked with rain. Last night was a prime example. It was so humid, you only had to be outside for a few minutes and you soon got all sweaty and sticky. Then, later in the evening it hammered down with rain. The torrential rain was so unrelenting, that parts of Bangkok were flooded. Be warned that one moment it’s hot and then it’s not.
World News Report – Osama Bin Laden
I read that Osama Bin Laden was buried at sea. I didn’t even know he was a sailor!
Foreign Currency Exchange Rates In Thailand
The American dollar remains static at 30 Thai baht to the US dollar. However, the British pound makes some ground at 50 Thai baht to the UK pound. Also, the Euro gained some ground and increased to 45 Thai baht to the Euro. Not bad at all considering that fairly recently, the Euro looked to be plummeting towards the US dollar. While this is good news for Brits and Europeans, the American dollar remains weak against a consistently strong Thai baht. We are not dancing in the aisles yet, but this is an encouraging sign for the British pound and the Euro. (These figures are the sell rates from Bangkok Bank).