Sexy Thai Pole Dancers – Updated YouTubes

Just so readers know I have promised to update the YouTubes videos more often. You will have noticed there are some YouTube videos on the sidebar. These will now be updated on a weekly basis.

This weeks offering is Sexy ThaiΒ Pole Dancers. Β This is one of those things that looks like it might be easy until you imagine yourself trying to do it! Β These girls obviously work very hard at it and are extremely talented. In China white collar workers are going to pole dancing classes after work, and here in Bangkok some of the fitness clubs are now running pole dancing keep fit courses. Well, seeing as I’m the Go-Go Guru I’m all for it! The go-go grid is hot as these Thai babes fight for pole position… And there they go!

More pics and a proper gallery very soon… as always please keep checking in.




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