Bangkok Nightlife YouTube Video

More Super Sexy Thai Girls!

Drum roll… Great news! We have another YouTube video of super sexy Thai girls and I have to say I think it is better than the last one posted a couple of weeks ago, Hot Thai Babes.  I managed to track down Toby at EZ massage, he’s a naughty boy! Toby’s still recovering from the last Hangover Tour and I had to drag him away from another gaggle of dolly birds.  Anyway the video is done and we hope you enjoy it. Please keep the sharing alive – sharing is caring!

We have Had some problems with the embedded Youtube so please follow the link to youtube  to watch the video:

We have had a tremendous response on the Bangkok Nightlife Facebook page and now have almost 2,500 fans. Keep it coming!  I am working on updates to the Nana Plaza Review and the Soi Cowboy Review Pages, so please keep visiting these Pages regularly.  Also, as part of my aim to keep you up to date on what is going on and where to go on the Bangkok Nightlife scene, I will be doing a report on all the popular night clubs of Bangkok

For more Thailand nightlife updates stay tuned to Dave The Rave Bangkok

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